State of the Arts 2018

Convene, share, learn, connect & celebrate!

You are invited to the 1st annual State of the Arts - a half-day convening and celebration for the local arts and culture community. Save the date and share this with your colleagues and friends.

On April 12, Bay Area artists, arts and culture workers, supporters and advocates will come together to educate, inspire, and celebrate. Join us to discuss the most pressing issues we face while living and working in the Bay Area, learn about opportunities to make change, and honor exemplary work in our field.

**We want to hear from you. Please help us determine the topics most vital to discuss and the people we want to honor and celebrate. Stay tuned for a questionnaire, which will give you the opportunity to shape event conversations and nominate individuals for awards.**


April 12, 2018 at 4:45pm - 9:45pm
The Midway
900 Marin St
San Francisco, CA 94124
United States
Google map and directions
Susie McKinnon
lisa hasenbalg Ashleigh Worley

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