REBOUND 3: Survey to Inform Next REBOUND Event

To learn about emerging issues and concerns directly from the community as we reopen, we ask you take this short survey to help us determine the focus of the next REBOUND - ARTS Equity & Recovery event. We want the event to be representative of our arts & culture communities and be driven by your interest and needs. Please share this survey with your communities (too) - Thank you!

Arts for a Better Bay Area (ABBA) and SAFEhouse Arts began producing an online series/forum last year to help connect and support artists, and arts and culture workers around issues of recovery, advocacy, cultural equity, and representation. We held our 2nd REBOUND - ARTS Equity & Recovery event in December 2020. 

ABBA and SAFEhouse Arts are committed to deepening equitable access to resources available to the Bay Area arts community. In producing the 3rd event, the Rebound series is being led by a team of local BIPOC arts & culture leaders to guide the event’s focus and planning. The intention of this upcoming event is to center BIPOC and historically excluded communities' needs.

  • Looking at recovery for Arts and Culture in the Bay Area, what is in front of you and behind you? 
  • Looking at the Art and Culture of San Francisco/Bay Area, what does recovery mean to you? What do you feel is needed?


Please take a few minutes to take this survey, (share with your networks, friends, and colleagues) and help shape this next event. The information gathered from this survey will be anonymous unless you give us permission to follow up with you. (Survey closes July 23rd)

Join our event 'BIPOC Voices & Reflections on Local Arts & Culture' informed from this survey on October 7th from 4:30-6 PM. Learn more here!


With gratitude & thanks,

REBOUND - ARTS, Equity & Recovery BIPOC Organizing Team

Aimee Espiritu (Espiritu Consulting / Arts Education Alliance of the Bay Area); Anna Lisa Escobedo (Engagement Project Manager, YBCA); Ericka Scott (Co-Director, San Francisco African-American Arts & Cultural District); Ernesto Sopprani (Independent Cultural Worker, Artist Advocate, Cultural Strategist); Rodney Jackson Jr. (Co-Founder, San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Company - BATCO)

Supported by: Susie McKinnon (ABBA, Director); Joe Landini (SAFEhouse Arts, Executive Director)


About REBOUND: Arts, Equity & Recovery Series: Arts for a Better Bay Area and SAFEhouse Arts are collaborating to help connect and support artists, arts, and culture workers around issues of recovery, advocacy, and cultural equity and representation. 

PLEASE JOIN US for a series of online events and opportunities to CONNECT, COMMUNICATE, LEARN and REBOUND. Online events and discussions will be framed around: 
  • Recovery needs and resources
  • Developing shared and new resources for the arts
  • Equity in arts and culture  
  • Arts advocacy and accountability



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